Next if they haven’t moved already to the correct displays, dragger the windows to the desired displays.In this menu you can then adjust the “Output Destination” to the selected projectors Add the number of projectors you need in you scene using the Projectors tab and the + icon.Inm simple terms you need to Projector setup Using mad mappers software was relatively simple to grasp after some brief reading of the documentation and a few video tutorials. In producing this work they have use a slightly different technique to what is going to be used within my prototype but what they achieve in terms of cancelling out casted shadows is the same. The artists refer to this as a 540 Degree projection as they manage to hit all the surfaces of the object including the tops and sides. This video is an example of where 2 projectors were successfully used to create a full 360-degree mapping. To produce a full 360 Degree projection 2-3 or more projectors would need to be used to successful reaches all angles of the object to cover all surfaces depending on the complexity of the object.

Placing another projector at a different angle more than 90 degrees or more round from the first one allows the light to reach other parts the first couldn’t reach. The solution to this is use additional projectors to cover the shadows produced with other projectors shadows. This occurs regularly in projection mapping projects because artist wish to use ever part of the projectable area of which this restricts a large surface that very useable with a simple solution. If this surface needed to have imagery upon this it would not be possible to reach with this angle of projection. Shadow Cast ProblemĪs you can see from the diagram above using one light source/projector a shadow is cast down onto another surface meaning that no light is reaching this area as the object is blocking it. The problem of which I’m trying to solve here is in response to a common issue when projecting light or imagery onto 3 dimensional objects that shadows are cast onto other parts of surfaces. This technique mainly uses specifically developed projection mapping software MadMapper to distort imagery onto the surfaces of the object. This prototype is aimed to explore some of the potential ways in which to projection mapping onto an object. This is done using light, shadow, shade to produce imagery and line upon the object morphing and distorting its appearance. However the common goal is to project light onto an object to produce a facade of imagery upon the object. Projection Mapping or video mapping has lots of different methods, techniques and approaches using a different range of software’s.

My second prototype for the graduation project development is focused on Projection Mapping, the technique that is planned to be used within the project.